Dianne's Gourd Projects

I love working on gourds very much. Ella says it's a fever. So I have tried my hand at a couple of bowls. The ones above are still a work in progress. I'm going to lash some long pine needles around the rim of the frog with turquoise sinew and add some turquoise beads that look like leaves. I will also spray it with a coat of clear sealer. I used turquoise shoe dye, and just sort of dabbed it on. I didn't try to cover the whole thing. On the sun, I used a bright orange shoe dye. I burned the design using pyro paper. You can print the design on inkjet or laser and burn directly over it. It eliminates tracing, and it won't burn. It's also available at Turtle Feathers. I used a yellow oil colored pencil to color in the center of the sun. I used a technique Ella taught me on the inside. I tore small pieces of colored tissue, dipped them in diluted Elmer's glue, and overlapped them on the inside. The tissue I used was from a florist shop. It's a little thicker and more waxy than regular tissue, but regular tissue will work just fine. Ella even uses decorative napkins and wrapping paper. The main thing is just to be creative and experiment with different textures and materials. The only thing I need to do to finish this project is to seal it.

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